Welcome To The Dawn Of Stonk Traders In The Metaverse 🌌


I Am One Of The 3,140 OG 🔥 Stonk Traders In This Exclusive Club

We are commonly known as the dumb money, and they think we eat crayons all the time. 👌


Welcome To The Dawn Of Stonk Traders In The Metaverse 🌌

I Am One Of The 3,140 OG 🔥 Stonk Traders In This Exclusive Club

We are commonly known as the dumb money, and they think we eat crayons all the time. 👌



🚀 Progress

Putting the first baby on the 🌖

Phase I: Public Launch 100%
Phase II: Mint Day 100%
Phase III: Hype 6%

The BST Club

BSTC is a 3140-member club with each baby stock stonk trader uniquely generated, residing on the Solana blockchain (not too far from the 🌖 moon). These are eternal members that will exist till the end of ⏳ time. After member slots are filled at the minting event, members-exclusive benefits will begin to roll out for the community. And the 🌌 metaverse grand plan will soon be revealed.

Did you know

13/01/2021 was the first day that GME popped, closing at US$ 31.40, and went as 🚀 high as US$ 38.65. A 12Bln hedge fund that shorted GME was rumored to have💥lost 50% that month.

The Collection Story

Alex Doughnut, one of the creators, is a redditor on r/wallstreetbets and participated in the “2021/01 WSB Revolution“. He was mesmerized by the 💪 power of community because WSB had literally altered the market dynamics.

This collection is created to commemorate the squeezing 🏆 victories by the WSB community in the web3 era. Expect us to land the first baby on the 🌖 moon. 

Community Vibe

Besides creating a space for WSB traders, BSTC aspires to become the go-to community for 📟 traditional asset class traders entering the crypto world. Our community would contain 📈 wisdom-sharing BS Traders, 💵 alpha discussions, and ⚠️ scam prevention techniques.

the first school in the metaverse

Be one of our 3,140 class of 2022 BST!

Besides offering community exclusive perks and floor sweeps to safeguard our holders‘ interests, we are also revolutionizing the Metaverse with a new business model, where holders would receive revenues from the school we have built together.


* More details will be announced after our mint.

Roadmap 1.0

Dec 2021
✅ BSTC Launch

Made our first public appearance on Discord & IG.

Jan 2022
✅ Crypto101 Webinar

Hosted our first education webinar event on Zoom.

Jan 2022
✅ Collection Mint

3,140 Baby Stonk Traders available to public.

Jan 2022
✅ Secondary Market Listing

Baby Stonk Traders Club NFTs listing on AtemisMarket a& MagicEden.

Jan 2022
✅ Official Rarity Release

Collection rarity ranking publish on website.

Jan 2022
✅ Exclusive BSTC Holder Channel

A discord private channel (or other encrypted IM) created on for verified BSTC holders.

Q1 (Jan - Mar 2022)

✅ BSTC listing on secondary market (ArtemisMarket & MagicEden)

✅ BSTC rarity ranking publish on website

✅ Discord verified channel for BSTC holders

✅ Establish market research channel on Crypto, Metaverse, NFTs related topics

Holders exclusive airdrop lottery

✅ BSTC Crypto Trading/VC Fund: funded by the house, investment returns goes to holders

- On-boarding bigger celebs with both regional and global presence

- 1st Semi-annual BSTC Trading Competition (w/ holders exclusive prizes)

- BSTC IRL social event (depends on Covid restrictions)

- Official Metaverse Plan Announcement

----> VC/Agency partnership

----> Metaverse school construction

----> Investigate ICO/DAO structure

Q2 Onward

Find out on Discord.



The chatroom app for NFT projects to build communities.


One of the main channels for official announcements.


Another main channel for official announcements (More popular outside of Asia).

How to Mint an NFT

Join Our Discord Community Now!

Learn more about minting procedures and safeties in our community.

* Only Discord members can participate in our NFT pre-sale event.

Wallet Setup

Phantom Setup

Phantom is a wallet purely for storing your crypto assets. It is typically a plugin on your browser (ie. Chrome, Firefox...)

1. Download Phantom on your browser

2. Select "Create New Wallet"

3. Store your "Secret Recovery Phrase"

Keep this in a secure location. This is the only way to recover your wallet. Whoever has access to this phrase has access to your funds.

4. Wallet view

After following the instructions on Phantom, this is how it should look.

加密市場101線上講座 | Crypto 101 Webinar

區塊鏈、加密貨幣、NFT | Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFT


Created for the curious minds on Crypto Markets.


時長: 1.5 小時 | Duration: 1.5 Hours

地點: HKMA 線上(Zoom| Location: Online (Zoom)

時間 Time: 14JAN (週五 Friday) 8:30PM | Today

語言:廣東話 | Language: Cantonese

費用:免費 | Cost: FREE

線上講座主題 | Webinar Topics

1. 區塊鏈技術 | Blockchain technology
2. 加密貨幣  | Cryptocurrency 
3. NFT (不可替代幣 | Non-Fungible Token)
4. 市場趨勢 | Market trends (i.e. CryptoPunk, BAYC)
5. 安全使用加密錢包 | Crypto wallet safe usage

連接方法 | Connect Methods:

1. via direct link: https://zoom.us/j/94705938055?pwd=T3hmYktsdzQ3SW1XblU0UXZtMHdOZz09

2. via Webinar ID: 947 0593 8055

線上講座密碼 | Webinar password:

我們建議觀眾至少在開始時間前 15 分鐘,用手機應用程序測試以上的 Zoom 鏈接。
We recommend our audience to test the Zoom link above with theirmobile phone app at least 15 minutes before the start time.

Looking forward to take you on a safe and fruitful journey into the metaverse!

報名表 | Signup Form
i.e. 987654321

Brought To You By

Alex Donut

He's the creator that got inspired by WSB to launch this collection.

Mala Tofu

She's the tech lead for this project who loves eating mala tofu.

Little Rav

She's a very talented full time artist that drew all the art for this collection.

Stealth Buffalo

He's our social media guy that helps manage our Discord, IG, and Twitter.

As Seen On

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